Infant Circumcision Clinic
Your trusted circumcision clinic. Providing quality care that you and your son deserve since 2014.
Male Infant Circumcision
Dear Parents,
Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy!
At the Infant Circumcision Clinic, our mission is to provide safe, prompt and expert circumcision available to patients across the Greater Toronto Area.
Our team of physicians uses the GOMCO Clamp method for circmucision. We strive to provide a high quality service through our attention to detail and exceptional care for patients and their families. A sample of testimonials shared by parents can be found below.
Learn more about the procedure by clicking here and be sure to contact us for registration details.

Book an Appointment!
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services and team, book an appointment today.

Your Trusted Circumcision Specialists
At the Infant Circumcision Clinic, we are committed to providing the finest clinical experience.
Serving humanity begins with serving our community, and our first step is providing quality care that you and your son deserve.
Sincerely yours,

Salam Al-Attar, MD
Our Testimonials